Showing posts with label Oracle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oracle. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2013

Oracle Database Instant Client Installation

Oracle Database Instant Client Installation

The Oracle Instant Client software is an easy to use alternative to a full blown Oracle Client installation. Especially if you are mainly interested in the Oracle sqlplus tool.

1. Create an oracle account (if not already available)

# groupadd oracle
# useradd -c "Oracle Instant Client" -d /home/oracle \
          -g oracle -m -s /bin/bash oracle
# password oracle

2. Login as user oracle and unpack the Oracle Instant Client software:

$ unzip
$ unzip

3. Set the Oracle Instant Client environment

ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle                    ; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOSTNAME=`uname -n`                  ; export ORACLE_HOSTNAME
ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/instantclient_11_2 ; export ORACLE_HOME
ORACLE_SID=dbsecdocs                        ; export ORACLE_SID
TWO_TASK=$ORACLE_SID                        ; export TWO_TASK
TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME                      ; export TNS_ADMIN
PATH=$ORACLE_HOME:$PATH                       ; export PATH